My name is Hardy LeBel. I’m a game designer, producer, and creative director with over 20 years of experience in the video games industry.

“MetaTravelers had the pleasure to work with Hardy LeBel as our game director and producer of our interactive metaverse.

His role included the design and implementation of new game mechanics, development of game worlds and managing a team of developers and world builders to roll out new features on a monthly schedule.

Hardy implemented strong development practices and helped guide our team of developers to create a stunning virtual world.

His vast knowledge of game development and design proved to be extremely valuable. He was a great asset to our team and we enjoyed our time working together.”

- Marko Louis, CEO Metatravelers

I’m based in the Pacific Northwest, USA - but I’m great at remote work and I’m willing to travel (for the right opportunities).

I’m currently available for full time work, part-time positions & consulting engagements.

I got my start in games as a freelance writer and illustrator for Activision.

I managed to parlay that opportunity into a full-time gig and since then I’ve worked at big companies & small, doing a wide variety of development jobs as well as working on the publishing side of the business.

Halo: Combat Evolved Multiplayer Lead Designer

I helped lead a tiny team to bring multiplayer FPS gaemplay to life on the original XBox.

Creative Director

Hired to revitalize the premiere 3rd person shooter franchise on Playstation, my vision for the future helped launch MAG - the world’s first massively multiplayer action game.

FarCry 2
Creative Consultant

My vision and leadership were instrumental in helping to ship FarCry 2 and I continued to work with Ubisoft on FarCry 3 preproduction.

Educational Consultant

I worked with the leadership team at Epic Games to help strategize user tutorials and learning strategies for their flagship title - Fortnite!

A few of my career highlights include:

Below are a few sneak-peeks of game design specs from current projects.

I use my skills in graphic design to add clarity thru illustration. Please see my other pages for more examples of my work!